13 Temmuz 2015 Pazartesi


1972 Istanbul da dogdu. Sanat egitimine ilkogretim yillarinda Paris te basladi. 1994 te Istanbu a dondu. 1995 de Y.T.U Resim Heykel Derneginde Yusuf Taktak in ogrencisi oldu, 1996-2004 arasi ATOLYE UCGEN de calismalarini surdurdu, 2004 den bu yana kendi atolyesinde calismalarina devam ediyor.
UPSD ve RHM uyesi sanatci 16 kisisel sergi, bircok karma sergi panel workshop calismalarinda yer aldi. 2014 de floransa bienalinde ikincilik odulunu aldi. Yapitlari cesitli koleksiyonlarad yer almaktadir.


was born in istanbul in 1972. She began art education at the elementary school in Paris.She retured to istanbul in 1994. She became a student of Yusuf Taktak in painting and Sculpture Association Yildiz Technical University in 1995. She continued working as a member `Workshop Triangle` founded by Yusuf Taktak until 2004. She has been working at her private worshop in Istanbul since 2004. The artist who is a member of International Plastic  Arts Association and Painting and Sculpture Museum, has held 16 solo exhibitions and has taken part in numerous group exhibitions and panel discusions and workshops.She won an award in the Floransa Bienal in 2004.  Her works have been  chosen in various collections.

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