1982-27 mart Eskisehir,Turkiye
2000-Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi
2004-Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Resim bölümünde Reşat Atalik ve Güngör Taner in Atolyesinden mezun oldu.
2006- Sorbonne de Civilisation Français de fransizca dil egitimi aldi.
2007-Fransiz Büyükelçiliği ve Türk Egitim Vakfinin yurtdisi bursunu iki yil almaya hak kazandi.
2007- Paris' teki Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Art da Abraham Pincas'in ögrencisi oldu.
2008- Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts da 1000 kadar ogrenci arasindan secilerek 7 adet Raphael repreduksiyonu gerceklestirdi. Prof Abraham Pincas , Louvre Muzesinin Restoratristi Nathalie Pincas ve ENSBA'nın Conservateur'ü
Emmanuel Schwartz'in kontrolunde gerceklestirdi.
2009- Paris' teki sanat grubu Ariane-Essor un en genç üyesi olarak calismasini Cagliari, Italya da sergiledi
2010-İlk sergisini Ekavart Gallery de açtı.Istanbul, Turkiye
2011- Contemporary Istanbul sanat fuarina Artium Modern Art Gallery de katildi.
2012-Kristal Çağ " The Age of Crystal " sergisi Doruk Art Gallery, istanbul
2013-Karma Sergi T-Art Gallery
2014-Kişisel sergi Kent Galeri , Istanbul.
2014-Uluslararasi sanat fuari ART EN CAPİTAL de tek Türk sanatçısı olarak sergiledi. Grand Palais , Paris
2015-Karma sergi Breed Art Studios, Amsterdam
2015- Ekavartist-New Generation sergisinin kuratorlugunu yapti.Ekavart Gallery ,istanbul
1982-Born in Eskisehir,Turkey
2000-Anadolian Fine Arts High School in Eskisehir ,Turkey
2004-Graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in İstanbul
2006- His French at the Sorbonne de Civilisation Français.
2007-Is granted a scholarship by the French government for two years.
2007-Accepted for perfectionnement degree, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Art in Paris Worked with Professor Abraham Pincas,
2008-He peinted the seven paintings on Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts Bilgin was selected among a thousand student and worked with the supervision of Professor Abraham Pincas , the Louvre Museums restorators Nathalie Pincas and ENSBA's conservateur
Emmanuel Schwartz
2009-Became the youngest member of Ariane-Essor Art group in Paris, and participated in a group show in Cagliari, Italy
2010-His first exhibition at Ekavart Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey
2011-Participates in Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair with Artium Modern Art Gallery
2012-Exhibition " The Age of Crystal " at Doruk Art Gallery in istanbul
2013-Exhibition T-Art Gallery
2014-Exhibition Kent gallery in Istanbul.
2014-Exhibited his works in Art en Capital in Grand Palais, Paris
1982-Born in Eskisehir,Turkey
2000-Anadolian Fine Arts High School in Eskisehir ,Turkey
2004-Graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in İstanbul
2006- His French at the Sorbonne de Civilisation Français.
2007-Is granted a scholarship by the French government for two years.
2007-Accepted for perfectionnement degree, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Art in Paris Worked with Professor Abraham Pincas,
2008-He peinted the seven paintings on Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts Bilgin was selected among a thousand student and worked with the supervision of Professor Abraham Pincas , the Louvre Museums restorators Nathalie Pincas and ENSBA's conservateur
Emmanuel Schwartz
2009-Became the youngest member of Ariane-Essor Art group in Paris, and participated in a group show in Cagliari, Italy
2010-His first exhibition at Ekavart Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey
2011-Participates in Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair with Artium Modern Art Gallery
2012-Exhibition " The Age of Crystal " at Doruk Art Gallery in istanbul
2013-Exhibition T-Art Gallery
2014-Exhibition Kent gallery in Istanbul.
2014-Exhibited his works in Art en Capital in Grand Palais, Paris
2015-Exhibeted in Breed Art Studios,Amsterdam
2015-Exhibited in Ekavart Gallery,Istanbul
"Regenesis" |
"Kristaller" |
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